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This Facebook page perfectly captures every grim dinner you've ever had

It can’t all be beautifully photographed delicacies for Instagram.

dimlyu Source: Facebook

WE KNOW THAT the food posted on people’s social media accounts doesn’t actually represent everything they eat.

Even the most committed foodies must sometimes sit down to a grim meal that they’ve made themselves that they would never put on the internet.

Well, the Dimly Lit Meals For One Facebook page collects some of the worst food people consume, in the lowlight that Instagram would never allow:

dimly1 Source: DimlyLitMealsForOne

All those depressing meals out there that aren’t getting posted online end up here

dimly2 Source: DimlyLitMealsForOne

The page – which started life as a Tumblr – sets out to represent all the grim meals people eat and the heroes that make them:

Dimly Lit Meals for One is an anthology of despair for all the people out there who have ever seasoned a dish with the bitter salt of their own tears.

Just look at this fine selection of homemade delicacies in questionable light

dimly3 Source: Facebook

Meals we have all had at one low point or another #nofilter

lastsupper Source: Facebook

The grimness is not even confined to your home sometimes

dimlypeas Source: Facebook

The selection ranges from full meals to sandwiches

waffles Source: Facebook

And even the happiest of occasions can feature the most depressing of foods

happybday Source: Facebook

They can’t all be winners.

We’re just glad we’re not the only ones who have to slog through at times.

Keep up the good work, Dimly Lit Meals For One.

More 11 things you probably keep in the fridge that you really shouldn’t>

More 9 Irish delicacies worth travelling for>

About the author:

David Elkin

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