MAY THE 2ND is a difficult time for Harry Potter fans everywhere; there’s just no two ways about it.
And JK Rowling knows this all too well so she has reached out to millions on Twitter today to apologise for causing so much heartache.
So. Much. Heartache.
We are, of course, talking about the fact that today is the anniversary of the untimely passing of Dobby the Elf.
And JK Rowling is the one we can thank for the shedding of all those tears.
While rescuing – among others – Harry, Hermione, Luna and Ron, Dobby was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange, and was ultimately buried without magic in a grave marked ‘Here Lies Dobby, A Free Elf’.
And yes, we’re welling up just thinking about it.
JK’s poignant message naturally struck a chord with her followers, which number in excess of 14 million, and it wasn’t long before they too were paying tribute to the wonder that was Dobby.
And here are just some of the most heartwrenching…