Dublin: 6 °C Wednesday 12 February, 2025

A little Galway dog and his owner were joyfully reunited after a year apart

Welcome home Bruno.

BRUNO THE YORKSHIRE Terrier was stolen from Tuam in Galway almost a year ago.

His family never expected to get a phone call from the DSPCA to say that he had somehow made his way to Dublin, and that they had him safe and sound (if a little underweight and unkempt).

Bruno was microchipped, which meant that his origins were easier to trace.

Source: Broadsheet Ie/YouTube

The DSPCA is reminding all dog owners that from 2016 it will be compulsory for all dogs to be microchipped.

H/T to Broadsheet.ie/DSPCA

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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