Dublin: 1 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

Donegal Tuesday is about to take over Galway


WITH RAG WEEK underway in NUI Galway, that can only mean one thing: it’s time for Donegal Tuesday.

For those of you who aren’t au fait with the tradition, Donegal Tuesday sees hundreds of NUI Galway students don Donegal jerseys and go boozing in Hole in the Wall for the day.

And by the looks of things, it’s already kicking off.

This was the queue outside Hole in the Wall at 9.24am.

Early bird catches the worm and all that.

There are actual barriers!

And lunch deals!

Get a big feed of taco chip into ye, lads.

Before you ask, it’s not just for Donegal people.

In fact, non-Donegal natives have been known to purchase Donegal jerseys especially for the occasion.

FullSizeRender Source: Yik Yak

Although you might catch a few interlopers.

We’re looking at you, Westmeath man.

FullSizeRender (1) Source: Yik Yak


IMG_2385 Source: Yik Yak

snapcode with text cropped

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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