THE EXPLOITS OF An Post have become something of a legend in recent years, with more and more evidence that they can successfully deliver just about anything within Ireland.
And it looks like it’s become a point of pride for those living abroad too.
Veronica, Natasha and Laura are three Donegal girls living in Toronto. Natasha recently married a Canadian man by the name of Walter and as Laura tells, he didn’t believe them that An Post are magicians:
Countless amount of times we have told him about the miracle that is the Irish postal service in Ireland and how these Irish posties know where everyone lives with no postal codes or house numbers and that they can have often delivered post with the most minimal of information! Needless to say he didn’t really believe us
So when Veronica moved back to Tory Island, Walter decided to test it out for himself with this postcard – and it arrived safely
Simply addressed to:
Veronica, Tory Island, Ireland
Normally An Post’s special deliveries are from within the island of Ireland, but now they’ve gone international.
Walter’s main message was:
I just wanted to see if this will work
He’ll never doubt the powers of An Post ever again.