1. “Throw a load of cool words on there, be grand”
2. “It’s not cool if it doesn’t mention WIFI”
3. Or YOLO
4. M&S’s choice of mannequin buzzwords has been a particular low point in this phenomenon throughout 2016
5. Each example perfectly sums up the “How do you do fellow kids?” meme
6. Shops have been reaching further and further into internet-speak for inspiration
7. Wall hangings aren’t immune from this practice
8. Where outfits are on fleek
9. And hashtags aren’t even hashtags any more
10. Fake text conversations have tried valiantly to capture it
11. This birthday card would make you a hit at your local box social event
12. It’s a health and safety issue
13. “If you just merge two popular things it will be doubly cool”
14. And don’t forget to Netflix and Chill (even when it’s entirely inappropriate)