IT’S THE LONG weekend, so stay in, pace yourself, and have a cheap sesh.
Here are some drinking games to play that won’t take too much thought.
1. The moustache drinking game
The rules are simple, attach a moustache to the television and drink every time it perfectly lines up with someone’s face on screen.
Also works a charm at Christmas time.
2. This twist on Would You Rather
Just open up and take turns answering the questions. Here are the rules:
3. Mobile phone roulette
This is a risky one, and best played in small group. The rules are simple, and you might want to delete your parents out of your contacts on the sly before you begin.
Get everyone in your group to put their phone in the middle of a table, then mix them up. Everyone now takes a different phone and composes a text, complete with a contact of their choice in the contact box. Now, will you send the message when you get your phone back, or will you have to drink a shot?
4. Drunk Jenga
Just acquire a game of Jenga, and write rules on each brick. You really can’t go wrong with a game as destructive.
Here are some sample rules to get you started.
5. Drink while you think
This is good because it’s versatile. Think of an actor, actress, band, movie etc, let’s say Nicolas Cage, for example. Now, the next person has to think of an actor with a first name beginning with the first letter of Nic Cage’s last, C. So, Chris Pratt, and so on.
6. Paranoia
The rules here are simple, and probably best left until everyone has already had a few. Everyone sits in a circle and whispers a question to the person beside them. The answer must be a ‘who’, e.g. Who here is the best craic (maybe make them a bit more risque than that). The person will say a name, but nobody will know the question. Now, it’s up to the person whose name was said whether they are happy to let it go, or find out what the question was and drink a shot.
7. Buffalo
Buffalo never ends. It’s like The Game, but with alcohol.
Players are allowed hold their drink in whatever hand they want, but when it comes to drinking it, it must be consumed using the non-dominant hand to lift it.
If another player spots them, they must shout Buffalo, and the player who drank from the wrong hand has to down their drink.
8. Battle shots
Forget beer pong, forget Battleships. It’s aaaall about battleshots.
In an ideal world, your set up would look like this.
But if you order a pizza, this could work too.
9. Ad break bingo
If you’re watching TV