BE HONEST, WE all did it.
Inspired by this Buzzfeed piece, we’ve decided to flash back to a time when sneaking into clubs was the most important part of sixth year.
1. The planning would begin on Monday
In school. Notes would be passed, and outfits would be meticulously discussed. Leaving Cert study? Nah.
2. The IDs were tough to accquire
Your older sister or brother would need to be staying in, or you better hope you can pass as your 26 year old neighbour with blonde hair and blue eyes, despite your dark hair, dark eyes and paltry 17-year-old baby face.
3. You could tell an underage lad a mile off as he was more often than not wearing his school shoes
4. Everyone knew the venues to go to with the best chance of getting in
Without naming names… a few doormen in town were more laid-back than the rest.
5. Every group had one older looking mate that would go to the off license for predrinks
Oh how they were the envy of the group.
6. Drinking began on the bus
Where you’d play music and be a general pest to society.
7. Your drink of choice was a fat frog or Skittles
Or whatever was on offer, really.
8. You didn’t queue together
As if the doorman had less sense of you being underage if you were with other underagers.
9. It was vital that you knew your fake age, birthday, and starsign
Though you have literally never been asked.
10. Someone would bring their digital camera to show off on Bebo the next day
Get that OUT of my face.
11. You’ve definitely bumped into older relation or big sibling’s mates
… and had to explain yourself before they told your mam.
12. Someone would end up in tears
You’re not READY for this.
13. You’d get the nitelink home to someone’s free gaff
A taxi was WAY out of your league. If someone’s mam was sound enough they might pick you up, but usually you’d end up making best friends on the bus.
14. Sometimes you wouldn’t even bother with the club
Get those cans in a bag and get to the local field with yas.
15. When you finally could use your ID, you still had the nerves
What if I am STILL underage?
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