RAIN ACROSS THE country today brought the roads to a standstill.
Journey times were doubled and rage levels were undoubtedly at critical point for hassled drivers across the land.
Like, why can’t everyone just MOVE?
Here are the 9 stages of driving in the rain…
1. Realisation
“Shite, it’s raining.”
2. Delusion
“I’ll just leave a few minutes early. Be grand.”
3. Early onset rage
“Just let me out of my own effing driveway!”
4. Irrational ‘I’m More Important’ Syndrome
5. “Did I just splash that person?” guilt
6. Mid-level merging rage
7. Disdainful looks at other drivers
8. High level traffic light rage
9. Inevitable tears and resignation
Be careful out there, and remember, you’re not in traffic, YOU ARE TRAFFIC