WELL, THREE DAYS have passed since the iPhone 6 was released, so it makes sense that some people are conducting drop tests on the new model.
What’s a drop test, you ask?
It’s where you drop the iPhone from a height and see if it causes any damage. Sometimes it’s a simple case of dropping it from hip height, but some daredevils take it to the next level and conduct the tests while sitting on a roof.
Spoiler alert: this is what happens when you throw a phone off a roof.
Several such videos have been uploaded in recent days, each with varying results. (Basically, it seems to be reasonably durable if you invest in a good case and don’t, you know, throw it off a roof.)
Not satisfied with the simple drop tests, others have taken to conducting more thorough tests, such as this video featuring a guy dropping a hammer on the screen just to see what happens. (Guess what happens.)
Or this guy who placed the phone in liquid nitrogen and subequently smashed it to smithereens.
This YouTube comments captures our thoughts on such tests.
Meanwhile, there are several poor souls out there reporting to have already dropped their new iPhones.
Even comedian Kevin Hart dropped his.
Get it together, people.