DRY JANUARY MEANS no drinking for the ENTIRE month. We can’t quite believe it either.
We all know the type of people that do it…
1. The one who has been yapping on about it since December
“Oh, I can’t wait for Dry January, my body feels shite after all this boozing and craic”.
2. The one who abandons it at the first whiff of a weekend
Sure, it’s easy to keep up mid-week, but when the weekend comes round only the tough remain in the game.
3. The preacher
Not only do they want to do Dry January, they think everyone should. Oh you’re having a glass of wine of a Wednesday evening in January? Haven’t you heard of toxins and things?
4. The one who complains about it every second
Not going tonight lads, doing Dry January. No beers for me. No, none at all. It’s not easy lads.
5. The one who wants to drop a few pounds
It’s a stealth way to diet, because they know the dozens of beers at the weekend and lack of hangovers will do wonders for their post-Christmas pounds, but they can still eat whatever they want.
6. The one who makes a load of exceptions
They’re doing Dry January in theory, but in reality, they’re not counting birthday parties and basically any tiny excuse to pick up a pint. Sure we won’t count that.
7. The smug absentee
You’re not drinking all of January? I DON’T DRINK ALL YEAR. Congratulate me!