Dublin: 3 °C Tuesday 4 March, 2025

Is this Dublin’s first 'husband crèche'?

Two shots of stereotyping please.

WE’VE BEEN WAITING for this day. When would Ireland get its first husband crèche?

We’ve seen the English counterparts.

img_6134 Source: LucidGypsy

husband-creche Source: BeingYen

Bruxelles on Harry Street are doing the honours for Dublin. This, we’re sure you agree, is a VITAL new service. What are men supposed to do while their wife shops for all his clothes she’ll have to wash and all the food she’ll have to cook?

BwHt83xCIAAH0IS Source: KenSweeney

Now. Everyone knows their place.

Hello Kitty is NOT actually a cat and everything you know is a lie>

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