YESTERDAY THERE WAS a huge turnout to the sixth annual March for Choice.
For the first time in the event’s history, it was the leading news item on RTÉ’s Six One News.
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Many other cities held events in solidarity with Ireland.
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Protesters in London drew over 200,000 chalk marks on the pavement outside the Irish embassy in London, representing the number of people who have been forced to leave Ireland and Northern Ireland for abortions since 1983.
The sheer number of people who had to leave this country due to the Eighth Amendment illustrates that criminalising abortion does not reduce the number of abortions that take place, but rather limits access to safe abortions (due to the lack of appropriate aftercare in Ireland).
Huge crowds showed up to the London event, which was organised by London Ireland Abortion Rights Campaign (LIARC) to “highlight the important role the UK plays in Ireland’s abortion debate.”
Speaking to Buzzfeed, a member of LIARC said:
These women have been exiled and completely let down by Irish and Northern Irish governments. A lot of people still don’t know that 12 women travel every single day to access abortion.
There were also demonstrations outside of the Irish embassy in Paris.
Pro Choice Berlin gathered in solidarity with the Irish campaign for abortion.
People of Luxembourg headed out in the rain to show their support.
Utrecht also showed their solidarity.
Mrs. Doyle made an appearance in Edinburgh.
There was also a decent turnout at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall.
Outside of Europe, support was similarly as strong. Melbourne stand with Ireland.
As do Sydney.
Across the Atlantic, support was shown in New York.
As well as Vancouver and Montreal.
The turnout yesterday and the amount of international support is evidence that people are ready for next year’s referendum and want it to follow the recommendations of the Citizen’s Assembly.
Nobody under the age of 52 has ever had an opportunity to vote on abortion legislation in Ireland.