ESB WENT AROUND the Web Summit this week looking for predictions for the future.
A few were er, predictable (tech will rule blah blah blah), but there were also a few choice visions, visions that would put Keith Barry’s lot to shame.
1. “Sweets”
Imagine wasting your one prediction on this?
2. “The internet”
We predict a ‘career in comedy’ for this joker.
3. “A knife that will fillet the fish quicker than me”
We wouldn’t bet on it.
4. “Phones will be unbreakable”
This lad has obviously never had a run in with a Nokia.
5. “A hair and makeup gun”
6. “Aliens will take over in less than 30 years”
Keith beat you to this one.
7. “Robot tattooists”
Any odds for this lot, Paddy Power?