GETTING YOUR BIKE, or even its wheels, stolen is never a nice experience – but in this situation everything worked out just fine thanks to Dublin restaurant Fade Street Social.
Dubliner Conor Dockery had locked up his bike outside the restaurant yesterday. He came back to get it later that afternoon and found this note taped to the saddle:
He tells of the pure soundness on display by the staff:
When I came back to get it, the wheels were missing and I was thinking the worst.
As I got closer to the bike I noticed there was a note sellotaped onto the saddle. The note said “your wheels are in Fade St. Social <3″. So I strolled in and the girl knew who I was straight away. She said that someone had been trying to steal my wheels and got stung.
Excellent work:
Whoever was trying to rob them must have had the wheels off the bike when he got caught or something. The guys in Fade Street Social decided to leave them in their cloakroom to keep them safe. Seriously sound stuff from them.