Dublin: 12 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

Dustin the Turkey had a chat with Bosco about marriage equality and it was utterly delightful

“Story, Bosco? What’s up with me auld flower?”

bosco Source: YouTube

STRAIGHT UP FOR Equality has managed to enlist several famous faces to go to bat for marriage equality, but this may be the best video yet.

In the latest campaign video, Dustin The Turkey rings up Bosco to have a chat about the forthcoming referendum. However, once it becomes clear that Dustin believes LGBT stands for “less Gay Byrne on telly,” it’s down to Bosco to set him straight.

Be still our beating hearts.

Source: Straight Up For Equality/YouTube

These Irish sisters deliver a touching message about marriage equality >

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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