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The Oscars Red Carpet Drinking Game

It’s that time of year again.

AVID AWARDS SEASON watchers will know  is almost as exciting to watch as the actual Oscars ceremony itself.

Between fashion faux pas, red carpets mishaps and awkward lines of questioning, it’s perfect popcorn TV.

manicam Source: yahooentertainment/Tumblr

It’s also ripe for a drinking game. Hence we have devised the Unofficial E! Red Carpet Drinking Game.

To play, you will need…

Any beverage of your choice

tk Source: conatycatering

It’s late on a school night, so better make it non-alcoholic.

Access to E!

eredcarpet Source: OSN/YouTube

You can find it on UPC at 147 or Sky at 151. The action starts at 10.30pm.

Someone to watch it with

popcorn Source: Imgur

Or access to Twitter. (You can also enjoy our liveblog, starting with the red carpet tonight.) The communal viewing experience is at least half the fun.

The rules

They’re shockingly simple. Just take a sip every time any of the following happens.

Every time a woman is asked how long it took her to get ready



Every time something unscripted happens that Ryan isn’t prepared for 

sacha-baron-cohen-ryan-seacrest Source: Huffington Post

Just smile and act professional, Ryan.

Every time you cringe as the concept of the manicam is explained to, like, Dame Helen Mirren

manicam4 Source: thirtyshadesofbleu/Tumblr

“Okay, Meryl. What we’d like you do is to march your fingers down this tiny, tiny red carpet we’ve installed. Meryl? Meryl? Come back.”

Every time someone has the absolute bants in the manicam



Conversely, every time someone politely declines to participate in the manicam nonsense


This year, Julianne Moore and Jennifer Aniston point blank refused to walk their little fingers down the weird finger red carpets.

More power to ‘em.

Every time the phrase “Who are you wearing?” is uttered and makes you want to die a little bit inside 

giphy (11) Source: reactiongifs/Tumblr

Every time Giuliana tells someone they look amazing

giphy (11) Source: Rebloggy

Or every time Kelly Osbourne uses the word “exquisite”

kelly Source: ScreenSlam/YouTube

Every time you spot someone on the red carpet and wonder how they got an invite

57th Annual Grammy Awards - Arrivals - Los Angeles Source: AP/Press Association Images

It should be you up there!

Every time someone has had enough of E! and their shite

cate Source: Our JOYLand/YouTube

Applauding from your couch is also encouraged.

(You can watch that amazing Cate Blanchett incident from last year here.)

Every time Ryan and Giuliana temporarily forget how to interact with other humans

Every time Benedict Cumberbatch appears on screen and makes the internet explode

Happy Red Carpet, everybody!

jlaw Source: river-puppy/Tumblr

Join DailyEdge.ie for live Oscars coverage throughout the night this Sunday. Download our free app here (iOs) or here (Android). 

More: All the nominations for this year’s Academy Awards, in one handy list>

27 statues: A glorious history of the Irish at the Oscars>

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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