LET US NOT forget the true meaning of Easter. Chocolate. Lots of chocolate.
1. Use your egg as a bowl
Well holy God.
2. Cadbury’s Creme Egg benedict
A sugary and delicious take on the classic. Recipe here.
3. Caramel egg stuffed croissants
Jesus stepped off the cross solely for a whiff of these. Make em using this knowledge.
4. Easter egg muffins
Muffins are technically a breakfast food, aren’t they?
5. Creme egg toast
Toad in the hole toast, to be more specific.
6. Kinder pancakes
If you’re lucky enough to get a Kinder Surprise for Easter… why not melt it into some pancakes for the ultimate breakfast?
7. Don’t forget the coffee
Make an Easter mocha by literally dipping your choice of egg into a cup of steaming hot coffee and letting it melt. DELISH.