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Ed Sheeran was out shopping, heard a girl on stage singing his song and joined in

Just a standard day for Ed.

ED SHEERAN WAS out doing a bit of shopping while on tour in Edmonton, Canada yesterday.

As you do when you’re a global pop star.

When Ed and his mate were in a shop, they heard a girl on stage singing Thinking Out Loud. So, the obvious thing to do would be to join her. And he did:

Source: Murray Cummings/YouTube

“Should I just roll up?” he says

edgid1 Source: Youtube

Eh, yes. Definitely.

It was half way through the performance, but she was very pleased to see him

edgid2 Source: Youtube

According to Mashable, the girl singing was Ed Sheeran superfan Sydney Bourbeau and she was up there performing as part of a charity event.

Of course, the chances of not hearing an Ed Sheeran song in a mall anywhere in the world are slim, but this has still gone super viral.

Even Ed knows it’s a #goodguy move

The full performance has been put up online by Sydney, and it’s a few minutes in before Ed makes his impromptu entrance

Source: Sydney Bourbeau/YouTube

It’s official: we live in a world where Ed Sheeran can do no wrong. Embrace it.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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