WITH THE LEAVING Cert still trundling on and interrupting summers across the country, the Physics exam took place yesterday morning.
And who should pop up but this familiar face:
The full question was relatively complex, as you would expect from a Physics exam
We know a guitar is a string instrument, but the scientific theory of string tension? Beyond us.
Still, the Leaving Certs couldn’t get enough of this Ed Sheeran-themed Leaving Cert:
It was a cheeky appearance, apparently
Someone you wouldn’t expect to see on a Leaving Cert Physics exam, anyway
And he was basically the only good thing about the paper
But at least he had some influence on the matters at hand
You can’t get away from Ed Sheeran and his soundness – even when you’re doing State examinations.
Who’s up next? Taylor Swift will probably appear on Friday’s Applied Maths paper at this rate.