TOMORROW, ED SHEERAN will perform an intimate, invite-only set in 2fm studios. To celebrate, 2fm have been running several competitions for tickets. Earlier this week, they invited fans to “go orange” for Ed to win tickets.
And people did because people be lovin’ Ed Sheeran.
People surrounded themselves with every orange product in their possession. (Even Tesco Cheesy Puffs.)
Notice the orange packet of sanitary towels in the foreground here.
The lengths people will go to, though.
Ah, this guy.
That’s commitment.
Robinson’s orange squash? Check. Orange extension lead? Check.
Nice inclusion of Collins Spanish Dictionary here.
Is that an orange necklace? As in, a necklace made of oranges?
This entry could easily double up as an advert for Uncle Ben’s
2fm have selected 25 finalists with the person who gets the most likes on their photo winning the tickets.
This is currently leading the way:
Well played.