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7 times Ed Sheeran was a real-life hero

It’s not just the Toy Show, you know.

ED SHEERAN STOLE Ireland’s hearts on the Late Late Toy Show last night, when he surprised 11-year-old superfan Aimée on stage and performed one of his songs with her.

Of course, this is hardly his first good deed. Sheeran serenaded Dublin fan and cystic fibrosis sufferer Triona Priestley earlier this year, calling her up after a Twitter campaign to have him sing to her before she passed away.

And he accepted a marriage proposal from another fan, Katie Papworth, who was suffering from a terminal form of cancer.

Here is further proof that he may be the nicest man in the world:

1. He gave all his old stage and photoshoot clothes to local charity shops

Source: Screencap via BBC News

He shared the gear out among various charity shops in Suffolk, England, then tweeted to his fans so they could go and buy the stuff.

2. On his 2012 tour, he got people on the VIP guest list to donate to homeless charity Crisis

Source: Empics Entertainment

Sheeran also invited the charity to collect signatures at his London shows, after revealing that his breakthrough single The A Team was inspired by his volunteer work with the charity. He said he wants to “give back double”.

3. He hooked his granny up to meet Rory McIlroy

Then posted the result on Instagram.

Source: teddysphotos

And LOOK HOW HAPPY SHE WAS ABOUT IT. Sheeran wrote: “Thanks to Rory for being so sweet to my wee granny”.

4. He once trashed a hotel room with his mates. Then felt so guilty, he cleaned it all up on his own.

Stuarts dream Not the hotel room in question. Source: teddysphotos

Sheeran said afterwards:

I felt so bad and said, ‘Oh, someone’s going to have to clean this up.’ So I literally de-trashed my room and put it back to normal.

5. His tour rider? He says: “If there’s a kettle and some PG Tips, I’m good.”

Source: jyllish

Interview here.

6. The first time he played Dublin after Triona Priestley passed away, he dedicated a song to her

Source: Thejournal

6. After woman working in the sex industry contacted him, he played a gig that raised £40,000 for a charity helping street sex workers

Source: Joel Ryan

Sheeran told BBC News:

There’s a lot more popular charities that get a lot of attention. And with certain subjects like this they’re often washed over and people don’t necessarily give them the attention they deserve.

7. He loves kittens, FFS

Source: teddysphotos

Is he the nicest man in the known universe? Possibly.

More: Here’s that heart-melting Ed Sheeran Toy Show moment in full>

More: The 12 most wonderful moments of the Late Late Toy Show 2014>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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