EGGS ARE A beloved dish served across Ireland – enjoyed all day long by an absolute rake of people.
But there is a silent minority out there who just hate them. They just can’t get their heads around the concept at all – and there is photographic evidence as to why:
1. Look at the egg here, dominating an otherwise lovely fry
If it must be there, it should be away from the rest of it. Rules, people.
2. Look at this egg here – one of the runny ones that goes wherever it pleases
3. Or a similarly runny one mixed into the rest of your food
4. Here, converging on the beans like that’s OK
No, eggs.
5. That orange centre would strike fear into your heart
6. Eggs have been known to ruin burgers as well as breakfasts
7. And people embed them right into bread for the craic
8. Scotch eggs exist in this world and nothing is the way it seems
“Is there a way we can make eggs even more disgusting?”
“Yes, let’s wrap them in breadcrumbs and other sh*t and deep fry them!”
9. Devilled eggs and their odd shininess are not cool
Yeah, imagine just taking a full bite out of that.
10. When scrambled eggs look more like mashed potatoes than eggs
11. Or when they are kind of pervading your meal with a reckless egginess
12. And finally… omelettes are a thing and they look and taste rank
No eggs, please.