Who looks least happy? The eldest, that’s who. (awkwardfamilyphotos.com)
BEING THE ELDEST is tough. And here’s the worst of it:
1. Having to watch your younger siblings get away with murder
When you would have been strung up for the same thing.
2. And being allowed all the treats you would never have been allowed in a million years
3. Being forced to be a live-in babysitter
4. Or worse: having to bring the little monsters out with you, when somebody might SEE you together
5. While they get to do things at a WAY younger age than you did
6. Meanwhile, getting blamed for their misdeeds, as if you should have magically stopped them
7. Making horrifying fashion errors because there's nobody older there to tell you what's cool
8. And for girls: having to learn make-up from your own mistakes
9. Plus, your friends learning about all the good bands from their older siblings
And then acting like you're a loser for not having heard of them.
10. Your parents being richer when your siblings are growing up, and lavishing them with gifts you could only have dreamed of
11. Going through That Awkward Phase while your siblings are still cute kids
12. And worst of all: as an adult, instantly and irrevocably reverting to 'elder sibling' mode EVERY SINGLE TIME you go home.
What have we missed? Older siblings, share your pain in the comments.