Dublin: 5 °C Friday 28 February, 2025

The world's first electronic joint has arrived

Um, finally.

PASS THAT E-NJOINT to the left hand side. Doesn’t have much of a ring to it, does it?

Vaping became the new ‘thing’, so naturally a joint is about to follow suit.

Dutch company E-Njoint BV have fashioned the world’s first e-joint, and they’re making sure you have just as many options as the real thing.


Whether it’s apple or cherry, liquid or dry, rechargeable or disposable, you can get it.

And people are getting it, with the company producing 10,000 of them a day.

That’s a lot of munchies about to go round.

Here it is, rotating in all its glory.


There’s even a World Cup themed one! Obviously.

Source: E-Njoint/YouTube

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