Dublin: 1 °C Wednesday 12 March, 2025

9 embarrassing things we all do on Facebook, but can never admit

These are your secret shame. We know it and you know it.

1. Clicking into the ‘likes’ on your new profile photo

To see exactly WHO has liked it. And thus who your real friends are.


2. Stalking people you hardly know

Work colleagues; in-laws; anyone who friends you really.

3. Hiding a close friend’s posts because they are too annoying, but never telling them about it

Honestly. They’re nice in real life, but as SOON as they hit a computer they seem compelled to post inspirational quotes.

4. Mistakenly entering someone you fancy as a status update, rather than into the search bar

5. Untagging yourself in photos where you don’t look your all-time hottest


6. And trawling other people’s pictures for photos of yourself looking smokin’



7. Accidentally clicking ‘Like’ on an ancient photo of someone, which you would ONLY see if you had been stalking them for several hours

Thus revealing your hideous pastime. MORTO. The shame.


8. Secretly enjoying some people’s really annoying status updates

Because it makes you feel righteous.


9. And life-tracking your exes

Because it is VERY IMPORTANT to know how their existence post-you is working out.

Bonus points for Schadenfreude if their new partner looks like a douche.


What have we missed? Let us know in the comments…

The people you like in real life but despise on the internet>

Dublin’s first hangover delivery service is coming next week>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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