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Stop! 2013 has a last-minute winner for 'weirdest Irish headline'

It involves an Irish model, a dead snake, and a holiday in North Korea.

IN THE RACE for the weirdest Irish headline of 2013, there can only be one winner.

We’ve seen some very strong contenders so far, but Independent.ie has staged a last-minute New Year’s Eve title grab with this effort:

Source: Independent.ie

We know, we know. Now you’re feeling like this:

Source: Gifsoup

So what’s happening here? Head on over to Independent.ie for the full story, but some tweets from the main protagonists will give you the basics.

This is Emma Quinlan.

Source: James Horan/Photocall Ireland

She was known for modelling with a snake. Here she is on the Saturday Night Show with Brendan O’Connor:

Source: YouTube

However, her snake (named Squirt) sadly passed away earlier this month. And now she’s going to North Korea with online entrepreneur Niall Harbison, who tweeted three days ago:

Quinlan tweeted that they’re going to see the mass games.

Source: YouTube

When asked why, Quinlan tweeted that she wanted to “see a part of the world most don’t”, adding: “Might as well chill in a spa in NK”.

So there you are. The weirdest Irish headline of 2013, explained in full.

More: The 13 most beautifully Irish newspaper items of 2013>

23 glorious items from local newspapers>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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