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9 emotions you experience while shopping at Penneys

The full spectrum is represented here.

This piece was inspired by this post from @carolgertrude.

AH PENNEYS, SO synonymous with Irish life that visitors have mistaken ‘Thanks, Penneys’ for an alternative expression of thanks… or so the story goes.

We all rely on it’s inexpensive products for lots of different things, from fashion to Halloween costumes, and scale the full spectrum of emotion during each visit.

Here are the emotions you experience while shopping at Penneys.

NOTE: These are based on the female experience.  The male experience is generally narrowed to impatience, despair, and an intense desire to escape.



As you walk through the doors, you feel like Ariel from the Little Mermaid.  How many wonders will this cavern hold?

Would this be the day that you would find a staple item which would allow you to shock people for months? Every time you said, ‘Thanks, Penneys!’ a look of surprise and envy would flicker across their face and it would be delicious.



After scanning the shop and jostling through crowds of teenage girls with terrifying eyebrows, you find a few things that look juuuuust right and take them to the fitting room.

This could be it!



The queues for the changing room in Penneys can be maddening, to say the least.

There are only so many stories of the mad night the staff had the night before or what they’re planning to wear that night that you can listen to before you throw the clothes at them and run screaming from the shop.



All of the things that looked ‘Oh so right’ look ‘oh so wrong’ as you try them on.  They’re almost nice, but just don’t work.

You’ve been fooled once again.



The dress you picked up on the off chance that you could make it work despite it being two sizes too big for you is actually too small.

Too small.



But wait… there’s one more item, and it works!  It even looks… expensive!

It’s the Penneys holy grail!



You’ve found an amazing pair of boots but who knows how long they’ll last.  Should you buy a second pair?  They’re only cheap.

Maybe you should even get a third? What if they break and then they’re all sold out? But then what if everyone has them and you get sick of them?  WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?



You get to the check-out and find you’ve managed to spend €80.  How did that happen? You only picked up a few things!



You weren’t even going to go in there today and now you’ve spent almost a hundred euro on stuff you’re not even that mad about.

Have you experienced these emotions?  Share your feelings below.

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