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That Enda Kenny selfie? Here's the result

All has been revealed.

ENDA KENNY TOOK some rad selfies at the Adroll job announcement yesterday.

He was a bit confused at first

adroll-jobs-announcement-adroll-staff-630x408 Source: Laura Hutton Photocall Ireland

But soon broke out the blue steel

abeafefb1775bcdec36d9c59ed895122350abcf49d1b5b8d818297a54752dd72 Source: Laura Hutton Photocall Ireland!

Look at him there. Delighted with himself

abeafefb1775bcdec36d9c59ed895122c81bb40cc7ba7a4345c144a1c1add7f0 Source: Laura Hutton Photocall Ireland

What’s so funny though? We MUST see this selfie.

Well, dear readers, here it is for your viewing pleasure.



Thanks to Alan O’Donovan for sharing his serious selfie skills.

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