MEET JOHNNY FROM Ennis. He wears a killer hat, and he’s a *massive* fan of the weather.
Johnny was on the Late Late Toy Show to tell his story. He told us how he is such a massive fan of the weather, he drove halfway across the country (well, we’re guessing his parents drove) to…
go to a show about Evelyn Cusack.
Yep. Johnny is an Evelyn Cusack fanboy.
Not only that, but he designed his OWN BOARD GAME starring Evelyn Cusack.
Sample move: “Evelyn predicts a heatwave. Move forward five spaces.”
We already <3 Johnny. But then…
Did you SEE Johnny’s reaction? There were feelings that it was hard to process.
This is how excited he was to meet A WEATHER FORECASTER.
The country was in bits.
Humanity is grand.
Ireland is grand.
Johnny for Taoiseach 2025.