BY NOW YOU’RE probably familiar with the Harlem Shake so we thought it was the perfect time to check in on it and see how it’s getting on over on the YouTube.
Here’s a video rundown of how it’s progressing.
The original
These skaters started the whole craze off.
The nerdy one
The staff of IGN’s gaming office got in on the action.
The guy with coffee one
Check out the right hand side for someone really getting into it.
The one with the baby
That baby is having a great time.
The Galway one
Watch how the guy playing video games on the left can’t not bop his head in the bit where he’s meant to be still. He just can’t wait to pour that milk over himself!
Can’t see it? Watch here.
The jumping the shark one
A meme is probably over when a local news team is doing it.