Dublin: 11 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

Spare a thought for all the people who got 'eye pads' for Christmas

You get it?

THE IPAD IS one of the most popular Christmas gifts on the market.

But this Christmas, a new gift took over — the ‘eye pad’.

You get it?

Yes, people all over the world were given eye pads by cruel family members.

In some instances, this meant drawing an eye on a sanitary towel.

eyepad Source: Cameron Krupp/Twitter

While others got good old fashioned “eye pads”.

While others went one step further and got an “apple eye pad”

Spare a thought for all the poor children out there who received “eye pads” for Christmas because their parents are so committed to being gas tickets.

2JjoxC1 Source: Imgur

Not everyone took it in good spirits…

Same, tbh.

10 conversations being had in every Irish household this Christmas >

This girl pranked her dad into thinking she was pregnant on Christmas morning >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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