Dublin: 7 °C Monday 3 March, 2025

Sorry, but the 'F*** Her Right In The P****' meme has reached Ireland

Was it for this? Was it?

THE ‘FHRITP’ MEME, which sprang up in the stupider corners of the internet earlier this year, has finally reached Ireland.

You know the one. It involves standing in a prominent place – ideally on TV – and yelling “F*** her right in the p****”.

It’s unpleasant and misogynistic, and now… yes, it’s here!

The Sue Nunn show on Carlow-Kilkenny station KCLR 96fm was broadcasting at the Ploughing Championships, when… this happened.

Warning: very adult language

Source: SoundCloud via The Sue Nunn Show on KCLR

“Well, they’ve got our mic muffler…”

To make matters worse, this meme all started with a hoax. A guy named John Cain faked – faked! - several ‘news reports’ where a guy wanders into the frame and says the phrase.

Nevertheless, it somehow gained traction. Last month, a kid in Missouri got suspended for saying it in school assembly.

via KCLR 96fm

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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