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Dublin: 7 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

The 11 definitive ways you can say happy birthday on Facebook

Which one do you choose? It’s a tough one.

WHEN THAT NOTIFICATION pops up on Facebook – you know what you have to do.

You might not have seen them in years, they might very well be strangers at this stage, or they might be a close friend – the question is the same: Do you post on their timeline?

Here are the options you’ll see before you even get the chance:

1. The standard


Nothing beats it. Especially for somebody you haven’t spoken to in ages but still hold some affection for. Quick, easy, in and out.

2. The unnecessarily shortened version of the above


Alternate versions incluce ”HBD!” and any other diminuitive.

3. The shameless private joke


Nobody else knows what’s going on and that’s the point. They’re marking territory with the level of private joke here.

4. A little more enthusiastic than the standard


Classic. They’re not ruffling any feathers and they get the job done with a little more panache than the regular “happy birthday!”

5. The gentle reminder that you haven’t seen them in ages


Gently prodding them into thinking “Oh no, I haven’t seen them in about a year.”

6. The private messager


Public declarations of happy birthday are too much for them, but they will send them a message because it’s the nice thing to do.

7. The YouTube video with their name on it

Source: nassirimusic/YouTube

They searched “happy birthday Sean” and up this bizarre video popped. Roll with it.

8. The anecdote from years ago


Subtly reminding all their new friends that they have been there longer #shade

9. The birthday photo from last year’s night out

46878580_d16a4369fd_z Source: Flickr

Usually from a night out, and always not the best angle.

10. The belated birthday wisher


They get there eventually.

11. The one that likes/comments on your own birthday-related status


The true winners in this game.

What did we miss out? How do you make your Facebook mark without stating the damn obvious? Let us know in the comments.

More The 12 stages of creeping on Facebook>

More 9 things all dedicated social media creepers know to be true>

About the author:

David Elkin

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