IT TURNS OUT that the average number of Facebook friends for young Irish people is 360.
That’s a lot of people popping up on your feed every day, and most of them would fit into one of these distinct categories:
1. The liker and sharer
One day they will win that competition for a weekend in a regional three star hotel and we who will be laughing then?
2. The breaking news specialist
Always there to provide you with essential information with no context or sources. Facebook troopers.
3. The serial inviter
Games, events, pages. You know about all of them because you’ve been invited to them by this one person who really wants you to play Candy Crush.
4. The classy drinker
Only photos of lovely drinks in fine establishments are allowed. These people aren’t going to be spotted with a can of Dutch Gold in their hand.
5. The couple that is now a singular human being
This person has ceased to be a single entity and is now one with their other half. All posts will now be couple related and singular photos are a rarity.
6. The really, really good looking person who definitely knows it and posts impeccable photos
Sure why wouldn’t you? It always seems like they have a professional photographer on hand but it’s just that they are really, really attractive.
7. The perennially hacked
The same people’s accounts are always taken over by their gas mates to post something “embarrassing” about them.
8. The seriously sound person
You can rely on these people for witty comments, the odd entertaining status and the steer on cool stuff that is happening. These people bring you back almost as much as the ability to Facebook stalk people you used to know in school.
9. The vague shade-thrower
Please, be more specific so we can all get in on the shade.
10. The connected one
That person who has about 3000 Facebook friends that makes you wonder how it was even logistically possible to know that many people in one lifetime.
11. The gas character
They are a safe bet to have shared the latest viral comedy video.
12. The shameless attention seeker
They don’t give any details away but draw you in perfectly. And now you’re curious.
13. The lurker
The odd like here and there means you know they are on Facebook all the time, but they actually never post anything.
14. The nostalgia merchant
Facebook even gives these people the leg up now with photos appearing from X number of years ago on the regular.
Before this feature, the nostalgia merchant needed to go digging themselves for an old photo to embarrass/delight/remind their friends of a night out from years back. Facebook does all the work for them now, and they’re in their element.