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13 new parents who should be kicked off social media immediately

So bleak. So so bleak.

PARENTS ARE BEING encouraged to cease sharing so much photos and information about their kids on social media.

Why is this a good thing? This is why.

1. It starts at pregnancy

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2. Mums-to-be can get a little touchy

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3. Don’t think it will finish when the baby arrives

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4. But it gets even worse


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5. * Gags*

Bet you feel lucky you only have to deal with those dozens of cute outfit shots.

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7. It’s not all about the baby, either

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8. But there is a social media addiction LINE when it comes to parenting

Yes, this happened, really.

hashtag-jameson Source: Sickchirpse

9. When the most annoying start getting on YOU about having kids…

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10. ‘haha’

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11. Stop!

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12. OK, we’re done here

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13. So so done

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13 couples that should be banned from the internet immediately>

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