Dublin: 10 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

Here's what Facebook looked like when it launched this day ten years ago

Also, you won’t believe how much money it’s made Mark Zuckerberg and investor Bono.

SURELY NO ONE could have predicted the success that was to come for Facebook when it launched as a network for college students a decade ago.

After all, it looked like this.

old-style-facebook-layout-design-2004-first-face-book-amazing Source: Facebook Craze

Today, its creator is thought to have a net worth of $31 billion, with Bono’s 2% investment in the company thought to be worth about $1.5 billion.

That’s more than he’s earned through his entire music career, and the total fortune of Sir Paul McCartney, the world’s richest musician.

Now that was a sound investment.  Happy birthday, Facebook.

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