Dublin: 11 °C Saturday 29 March, 2025

You're not alone - 7 people who have already broken their Lent promises

Oh well, you tried.

TODAY MARKS THE first day of Lent. Are you giving up something this year? Some people crack a few weeks down the line, but if you didn’t last until lunch time, you’re not alone.

1. Maybe it didn’t count

2. Oh no, it definitely does

3. Well, you only missed 955 hours

4. Some slip-ups are more noticeable than others


5. Pure contradictions

6. If Bressie can’t do it, how can us mere mortals be expected to

7. If all else fails, just go meta

Here’s how long it will take you to burn off those pancakes…>

Why are so many non-religious people still giving things up for Lent?>

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