Dublin: 11 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

Fan hits One Direction star in the face with a tampon

Too far ladies. Too far.

TEDDY BEARS, NOTES, flowers… these are all standard items that are flung at One Direction on a regular basis at their concerts.

Then came the shoes…

And the Haribo…

Pic via Tumblr

But now, things have gone too far. TOO FAR!

Fans have now taken to flinging feminine hygiene products on stage. Let’s examine the evidence…

Exhibit A: This tampon was thrown on stage in San Jose California:

via YouTube/HollywireTV

Exhibit B: Zayn’s disgust

via YouTube/HollywireTV

Exhibit C: Harry Styles gets hits in the face with several tampons in Nottingham

Watch the whole thing here>

Exhbit D: Let’s see that again, shall we?

Ladies, this will NOT do.

Throwing whatever you happen to have in your handbag at Niall and the lads is not ok.

What next? Hairbrushes? ESB bills? Time Out bars?


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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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