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Which Fast Food Chain Is Your Spirit Animal?

We all have a true connection with one fast food restaurant – find out which is yours.


1. Choose your favourite ice cream
The classic 99
The Magnum

2. Your ideal holiday destination is...
Somewhere, anywhere, that is hot
Down the country for a week

A European city break
Stay at home and chill out
3. Which Friends character best describes you?

4. If you're getting on a bus and you don't have quite enough change, do you...
Stop yourself from getting on and trudge to a shop to break a 20
Lob it in and hope the driver doesn't notice your change shortage
5. If you had to hear one of these 2014 songs every single morning for the rest of the year, which would you choose?
Hozier, Take Me To Church
Taylor Swift, Shake It Off

Meghan Trainor, All About That Bass
Iggy Azalea, Fancy
6. Which chocolate do you prefer?
Dark chocolate
Milk chocolate

White chocolate
Hot chocolate
7. Which film would you watch RIGHT NOW?
When Harry Met Sally
Michael Collins

The Hunger Games
8. On a night out, you are most likely to be drinking
A nice Gin & Tonic
Night out? A six-pack of these will do just fine

A good, solid pint of Guinness
A refreshing soft drink
9. Pick a superhero
The Incredible Hulk

Wonder Woman
10. Pick your favourite classic Irish TV show from this selection
The Den
The old Late Late Show

11. It starts to rain outside and you're just about to go somewhere, do you
Look out and wait for it to stop
Soldier on through and start walking

Hastily ring a taxi to come get you
Abandon all plans for the day
12. And finally... your bedroom looks like which of these when you leave it in the morning
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
Your fast food spirit animal is Abrakebabra!
You're a maverick who doesn't play by the rules - nobody is going to tell you what to do.
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You scored out of !
Your fast food spirit animal is Burger King!
You wear the King's crown with pride - basically, you're fast food royalty.
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You scored out of !
Your fast food spirit animal is Supermac's!
You love to keep it local - wear that badge of honour with pride, friend.
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You scored out of !
Your fast food spirit animal is Eddie Rocket's!
You enjoy the more sophisticated side of things - and that's why you always go to Eddie's.
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You scored out of !
Your fast food spirit animal is McDonald's!
You know what you want, and aren't afraid to order off the Eurosaver menu.
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About the author:

David Elkin

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