IN CASE YOU missed it, today marks the anniversary of the annual caravan holiday for Father Ted and co.
And what better way to celebrate than to toast Ted, Dougal and Jack, and everything they taught us about tipping off to Wexford/Salthill/Torremolinos…
1. Lock up well
Look at what happened on Craggy Island when Dougal made a balls of turning the Chubb:
You don’t want sticky fingers on your things.
2. Pack wisely
And be sure to pack to suit your travel arrangements:
3. Don’t forget your suitcase
4. Choose your travelling partner wisely
You don’t want to end up sitting beside Father Noel Furlong
Or Father Jack…
5. Bring some good reading material
6. Don’t get separated from the group
You don’t want to end up like Father Noel Furlong and the St. Luke’s Youth Group, lost in the caves for two days.
7. Some things are small, some things are far away
Small. (Shutterstock)
Far away. (Flickr/CreativeCommons/USFWS)
8. No souvenir can be too tacky
9. Don’t go into the wrong room
10. Go sightseeing
11. Eat and drink yourself stupid