IF YOU’RE A Father Ted fan, you need these in your life.
1. This perfect tea set
2. This birthday card for your closest friends and loved ones
3. This Mrs Doyle brooch, so you can pester people into having tea wherever you go
4. This Pat Mustard tote
AND all proceeds go to the Denise Ryan Lyme Disease Fund.
5. These badges
My lovely lovely lovely hooooorse.
6. This totally professional notebook
7. This helpful reminder of a tshirt
8. This mug, that no one will steal
9. Or this one, that basically invites thieves
10. This hoodie is needed for those cold days
11. And this hi-vis jackets on site
Father Fintan Stack has got your back.
12. The ONLY phone any respectable Father Ted fan must have
13. Or this one
14. And finally, these stickers must go EVERYWHERE