OH FIDELMA HEALY-EAMES. Whatever are we going to do with you?
The Galway senator dropped this clanger in the middle of a recent Seanad debate on internet safety, and it’s going hugely viral today:
Healy-Eames has form in this area, yet people are still incredulous. Wiffy code? Really, Fidelma. Really?
People are in disbelief
Oh, you’d be surprised.
Others are thinking of their own mams
Some are looking back fondly on Fidelma’s other missteps
It’s being compared to other famous political gaffes
(That’s a reference this infamous tweet by Dublin TD Sean Kenny.)
There is already a DANCE REMIX
And basically, everyone’s just facepalming harder than they’ve ever facepalmed before
Oh Fidelma. Never stop doing you.