Dublin: 2 °C Wednesday 12 March, 2025

The little boy who offered Michael Conlan his school medal finally got to give it to him in person

This is just the sweetest.

BOXER MICHAEL CONLAN appeared on the Late Late Show last night with fellow Olympians Annalise Murphy and the O’Donovan brothers.

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Conlan spoke to Ryan about his move into professional boxing, before heading off to Coppers with the gang for the night.

Conlan previously went on a massive rant after his controversial Olympics defeat to Russian Vladimir Nikitin. His tiniest fan Finn McManus captured hearts when he noted the injustice, and wrote a letter offering his boxing hero his school sports medal.

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Well, last night, Michael finally took him up on his offer, as well as delivering a lovely pair of boxing gloves to Finn

The pair met before the show went on air, and Finn looks DELIGHTED

He even got to deliver his medal in person.

A champ in the making.

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