Dublin: 1 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

Santa Claus* saved a man from a burning building

Okay, not the real Santa Claus.

Image: YouTube

A FIREMAN DRESSED as Santa Claus rescued a man from a burning house in New South Wales on Saturday.

Fireman Nick Carey of Fireman NSW Fire and Rescue Telarah brigade had donned a Santa outfit as part of the fire brigade’s annual Christmas lolly run when he and his crew spotted smoke coming from a house.

Carey and his colleagues rushed to the house and found a 20-year-old man unconscious inside.

While Santa couldn’t enter the house on account of his highly flammable outfit, he helped drag the man onto the lawn and performed life-saving CPR on him.

The whole thing was captured on video.

Source: NEWS24HD/YouTube

Speaking about the incident, Carey said:

It’s definitely the weirdest and most awkward situation I’ve found myself in.

We should imagine so.

Siri is being super sassy with people who ask her about Santa Claus >

My life as a shopping centre Santa >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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