THE NEW SERIES of First Dates is ticking along nicely on Channel 4 – with the second episode airing this week.
And one lovely couple have become a slow-burning sensation on Facebook - with nearly 4 million views of their date in less than 24 hours.
90-year-old Raymon was the oldest ever dater to request a part on the show – and the producers paired him with Cecilia.
And their whole date was just the best – and it’s become an absolute phenomenon overnight
They both discussed what brought them on to a dating show, and both shared the stories of how they lost their partners
They were together 50 years – but Raymon feels she would have approved of the First Dates meal
It was just too much
He told a lovely story from their time on honeymoon, and couldn’t help but get upset
While Cecilia lost her husband two years ago, and had so much to say about him
It was a tear-fest all round
Before they left the restaurant, they had a quick waltz
And they both agreed that they’d like to see each other again
We could have a meal together, we could talk about what we have done since we last met. And so forth.
Pass the tissues. Again.