1. Seeing this when you arrive for a viewing
Seriously, guys. Isn’t the Celtic Tiger supposed to be dead?
2. Nobody ever calling you back, ever
3. The unmatchable awkwardness of looking round somewhere where the previous occupants are still living
It almost feels like you’re coming to take their child away.
4. And being unable to stop seeing inappropriately personal items
This genuinely happened to me once. I swear.
5. Going to see somewhere like this…
… only to find that it actually looks like this.
6. The despair as you see someone wealthy-looking deep in conversation with the landlord
And obviously concluding a deal. “Oh, you’re here too. You’d better have a look round I suppose.”
Photo via Shutterstock
7. The mysteries of rental-apartment furniture
AKA all the furniture being made of fake plastic leather. Seriously, what is with this? It’s like Ireland was swept by a raging epidemic of leatherette in the 1990s and is still recovering. The Pleather Plague.
8. Discovering that one bedroom is WAY bigger than the other
And knowing that an awkward conversation will be had.
9. Negotiating the minefield of questions from your prospective roommates
10. The rollercoaster of emotions when you DO put an offer in
And have to desperately scramble for references and deposit, like you’re in the world’s most soul-destroying game show.
11. That unique sense of desperation after you’ve been looking for a while
But then, at last, there’s the satisfaction of FINALLY moving in somewhere
Even if it’s a bit of a kip…