WE ALL DO weird things with our food that other people just can’t accept.
It’s funny – everyone has their gross habits with food, yet no one can forgive other people’s food wrongs.
Some people will wax lyrical about a banana sandwich with ginger pickle, while their friends will be left writhing in disgust.
Food is divisive – here are the idiosyncracies that cause the most strife.
1. Not having food touching
This has caused many a dinnertime argument with our Mammies. Did you force your poor mother to give you your beans on a separate saucer?
Image: via Yellow Crayon
And as an adult, it’s a sheer nightmare queuing up for a hotel cooked breakfast, willing the lady behind the counter not to allow the soggy eggs to touch your hash browns.
2. Ketchup
Image: via Halloween Costumes
Not eating ketchup is incomprehensible to a lot of people. When you tell someone you dislike ketchup, they react with shock and anger – as though you had told them you don’t like sunshine or puppies.
“But not even on chips?” No.
“You put it on burgers, surely?” No.
“Are you a very fussy eater?” No.
And finally, “But what’s wrong with you?”
3. Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise – the true divider. One either loves or loathes mayo – there is no middle ground here.
Pick your side.
4. Garlic mayonnaise
There is a special type of denial that allows people who hate mayonnaise to enjoy garlic mayonnaise.
Image: via Eat Fly Love
And anyway, is it truly a mayo or is it a sauce? Who can really say?
5. Vinegar
Some people feel vinegar is the devil’s own acidic work. Others feel that chips are a waste of time without it.
Image: via Gakuran
This can make trips to the chipper an interesting experience.
6. Bean juice
Bean juice: it either inspires revulsion or appetite.
Image: via 365 foods
There are two kinds of people in the world.
The kind of person who enthusiastically mixes beans into their scrambled eggs – and the kind of person who, in the words of Alan Partridge, needs to use sausages as a “breakwater”.
Video: YouTube/Archiers17
7. Onions
Another source of friction in the food/friend world.
Image: via Shutterstock
People gape with disbelief as you say you don’t want any onions in the dinner. Dis. Belief.
8. Not liking the food but liking the flavour
Image: via Lovelyish
Love bananas, but hate banana-flavoured things?
Hate onions, but love onion rings?
Love eggs, but hate egg mayo?
People will never understand.
9. People who say they “don’t like the taste of water”
This one we can’t accept.