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Fox TV affiliate apologises for accidentally identifying Obama as a rape suspect


Updated, 22.30pm

A LOCAL CHANNEL affiliated to Fox TV has apologised after they inadvertently used a photo of Obama during a story about charges being dropped in a sexual assault case in San Diego State University.

San Diego’s Fox 5 accidentally used a photo of Obama during the report with the caption, “NO CHARGES”.

obamafox Source: Times of San Diego

It was deeply unfortunate.

Source: Times of San Diego/YouTube

The station delivered an apology on air on Monday night in which they apologised for the mistake.

And we have an apology now. Friday night at 10 o’clock, we inadvertently used a photo of President Obama while reporting on a story about charges being dropped in a local case. We regret the error.

We’d say so.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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