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10 of the most ridiculous Fox News things that ever happened

A whole load of facepalms.

FOX NEWS HAVE come under fire today for blurring the breasts of a woman in a Picasso painting.

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But hey, it’s not the worst thing they’ve ever done.

1. When they played Dude Looks Like A Lady during a segment about transgender whistleblower Chelsea Manning

Yes, this happened.

Source: LSUDVM/YouTube

2. When they said Frozen was hurtful to masculinity

The question for us as Moms is when we bring our daughters to see Frozen or whatever the movie is, we often have our little boy sitting there and is this message helpful? We want them to know they’re essential.


Source: cybernewss24/YouTube

3. When they accidentally identified Obama as a rape suspect

FoxThumb Source: Fox

4. Calling a female fighter pilot ‘boobs on the ground’

A 35-year-old UAE fighter pilot going against ISIS in Syria? Ask her about parking it, being a woman and all.

Source: tpmtv/YouTube

5. When they said it’s a fact that Santa is ‘verifiably’ white

Host Megyn Kelly said:

Jesus was a white man too. He was a historical figure, that’s a verifiable fact.

Source: tpmtv/YouTube

6. This poll

Not attempting to swing it slightly.

pt3zpm8eavkixwtkvyh5 Source: Talkingpointsmemo

7. Putting Egypt here on the map


8. Saying that Spongebob Squarepants is pushing a global warming agenda

The Department of Education invited a bunch of DC kids in and they had this festivity and they handed out these particular Nickelodeon books where clearly Nickelodeon is pushing a global warming agenda.

It’s a cartoon lads!

Source: climatebrad/YouTube

9. Telling a man he looked like a cocaine dealer

Chatting to Columbia professor Marc Lamont Hill about security at the Mexican border, Bill O’Reilly said he looked like a cocaine dealer.

Hill laughed it off, saying “As do you! You look like a cocaine user”.

tumblr_mclfa5pO611r3iwwdo1_500 Source: Tumblr

10. When they told young women to stop voting and to get on Tinder


Source: BreakingNewsToday/YouTube

Fox News actually thinks that Frozen is ‘hurtful’ to masculinity>

Fox TV affiliate apologises for accidentally identifying Obama as a rape suspect>

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